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  • Autism Resource Guide for Families, Caregivers & Employers

    April 02, 2022 2 min read

    Autism Resource Guide for Families, Caregivers & Employers

    Whether you're just starting your autism journey or entering a new phase of it, know that there are numerous programs and therapies to assist you. We've listed some of our go-to resources below.

    What is Autism?

    Concerned that your child may have autism? Seeking a better understanding of autism and its spectrum of abilities and challenges?  These guides share all you need to know.

    • CDC: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder - This comprehensive guide provides all you need to know about autism  - from signs, screenings and therapies to FAQs, research and stories.  
    • Autism Speaks Guide - What Is Autism - Get a great overview of the autism signs and interventions here. 
    • Is it Autism, And If So, What Next? This toolkit and companion podcast series is geared  towards adults who are trying to evaluate if they are on the spectrum or are learning to cope with a new diagnosis as an adult. Find great guidance here for adulting on the spectrum.

    Autism Resource Guides

    From therapies and early intervention programs to recreation, the guides below provide tools to help autistic individuals live their best lives and maximize their potential. 

    • Local Resource Guide - Looking for local support? Bookmark this handy guide. Filter by your state, life stage and level of support to find the right advocacy, education resources, support groups and more.
    • CDC Resource Guide - Make this your go-to guide for national  support organizations, health care resources, financial support and more.

    Autism & Employment

    The majority of autistic individuals are unemployed or underemployed. The resources below explore why that is and how to change it.

    • The Arc @ Work - Discover the Arc’s many programs to help public and private employers recruit, train and retain employees with disabilities. 
    • SHRM Autism at Work: Hiring and Training Employees on the Spectrum: This SHRM article is a great resource for employers who want to learn more about neurodiversity and inclusive training and hiring. 

    We will be adding many more resources to this page, so please keep an eye out!